Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Going bare?
Don't worry we're not naked - we're talking bare-rooted plants! This doesn't mean the plant is rootless but simply supplied to you without a pot or soil around its roots. Why? Well, trees and shrubs that you buy in a container are likely to have grown up in a field somewhere. Around November when the trees are dormant (not growing or producing fruit but effectively hibernating) they are dug up for selling - this is when you can buy them bare-rooted before they are potted. The benefits of buying plants at the bare-root stage is 1) they are cheaper as the grower doesn't have to supply soil or a pot and 2) they are lighter for you to carry for the same reason (no soil or pot)
If you are interested in bare-rooted Ornamental Trees, Native Trees, Fruit Trees or large Conifers then call St Bridget Nurseries for a plant list and order soon so you can have your plants fresh from the field! Call 01392873672 or e-mail marketing@stbridgetnurseries.eclipse.co.uk you can also view the trees in the field in Exeter by making an appointment in advance.

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