Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's in a name? - Flaming Katy!
Commonly known as Flaming Katy, Kalanchoes (pronounced KA-luhn-KO-e) are an easy to grow houseplant. They just need warm temperatures (between 12 and 30C) and minimum care. In a moderate climate they can even be grown outdoors (but only in pots and not in the ground). Plants are sensitive to the cold though so really in Britain it's best to keep them as houseplants as they are unlikely to survive a frost.

Kalanchoe plants look great in small pots. You may find that if you plant in a large pot, the leaves grow in size but the amount of flowers or height will grow as normal and rather slowly. If you want to re-pot your Kalanchoe it is best to do so in spring.
Like most houseplants try not to allow direct sunlight on the plant but do place plants in a well lit spot.
This picture shows a beautiful double flower head of a Kalanchoe from St Bridget Nurseries in Exeter. Both garden centres have a wide selection of houseplants and stunning pot covers to complement your home.

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