Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Alkaline Soils

My friend recently tested her garden soil using a simple soil tester which she bought from St Bridget Nurseries. The results told her that she had Alkaline soil and so she's ask me what to do about it. My advice with any soil type is unless you want to spend money and time in order to grow something you desperately want it is much easier to accept your soil type and plant plants that will thrive in the conditions.

If you still want a certain plant then try growing it in a pot!

Some soils are unrelentingly alkaline and you can fight it with treatments such as sulphur, watering with vinegar and using acidic mulches but you'll more than likely find it goes back to being alkaline. Therefore plant plants like

Berberis thunbergii, Buddleja davidii, Lavender, Lonicera (Honeysuckle), Mahonia
or herbaceous plants like:
Aquilegia, Cosmos, Geum, Helianthus, Iris, Phlox, Scabiosa

Trees suitable for alkaline conditions include Fagus sylvatica (beech) and Gleditsia triacanthos.

If you're not sure what type of soil you have then buy a simple testing kit to test the pH level of your soil (an alkaline or 'limey' soil will have a pH between 7 and 14)It's easy and fun to do and then you can start planning your garden to work with nature and not against it. For further advice on what plants may be suitable for your garden and to check availability of the above plants call St Bridget Nurseries on 01392 873672.

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