Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What a specimen!

The team at St Bridget Nurseries' garden centre had an unusual challenge yesterday when they had to move a

15ft tall, approx 1.5tonne very spikey palm tree! The plant was originally planted when the Old Rydon Lane garden centre shop was first built back in the eighties. Surrounded by brick walls the palm has greeted visitors to the garden centre for all those years. However, the area surrounding the palm is due to be transformed into a wildlife garden next week in a joint event with Devon Wildlife Trust. Not known for its major wildlife attraction, it was felt the palm should be moved. It took 4 men half a day to dig, wire undercut and eventually lift with the use of the nursery tractor. Many customers then watched as the huge specimen plant was driven across the car park and temporarily planted in a wooden pallet crate. The staff are still considering what to do with the palm and so if you are looking for a huge specimen then do get in touch on 01392 873672.

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