Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As plants are flowering there's lots we can do to help them...

1. If you want to, deadhead your daffodils as they fade but do not remove leaves, these dye back and provide the nutrients that the bulbs need to flower again next year.

2. Apply a general purpose fertiliser and mulches to beds and borders. Mulches are great as they help to keep the soil warm in winter and help suppress weeds in summer.

3. Give last year's containers a nice fresh top layer of compost.

4. Complete your pruning of summer flowering shrubs and late-summer flowering clematis but don't prune any spring flowering shrubs until after they have flowered.

5. Sow your summer bedding seeds in a heated propagator or under grass.

If you feel your garden is lacking colour at the moment, why not visit your local garden centre? By visiting monthly you'll see what is in flower and can ensure that your garden has year long colour and appeal. St Bridget Nurseries in Exeter grow nearly all their plants and all hardy plants come with a one year guarantee.

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