Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Simplify container care

We all like a simple life and since containers are perfect for small gardens how can you make care of them easy? If you want your containers to work for you the first step is to choose a container that is attractive in its own right and one that can make a feature of itself even if it is unplanted. A large deep colourful container would do the job perfectly.

If you choose a terracotta pot, line it with polythene pierced with a drainage hole. This will help moisture stay in the pot. Another aid to reducing watering is to use a good container compost, many come with added moisture retaining gels and slow release fertilisers which means that your plants will be fed too! For further advice and ideas why not visit your local garden centre like St Bridget Nurseries in Exeter? (Sidmouth Road and Old Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon, UK).

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