Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Get the best containers...

After deciding you want to spice up your patio, balcony, door way, window sills or garden with a planted container you have two choices - plant it yourself or get your local garden centre to do it for you!


If making a container yourself start with a good container compost. If you are planting a pot think about the material. Terracotta pots tend to loose more water as they are porous than say plastic or glazed pots which will mean you will have to water them less often! If planting a hanging basket choose a hanging basket liner that will retain water while allowing excess to drain away. The bigger the basket - the better it retains moisture.

You may wish to mix in some moisture retaining gels too.

Investing in a drip irrigation system will allow you to water several baskets or containers in one go simply by turning the tap, you can also fit a timer so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the pretty view!

Plant a nice colourful selection of plants in your container or hanging basket. It is usually nice to put a more upright plant in the middle and then surround with colourful bedding plants and trailing plants toward the edges.

As the season goes on, cut off dead flowers to encourage re-growth and check for signs of nutrient deficiency like straggly growth. If you spot this give your containers a feed.

Simply call your local garden centre, like St Bridget Nurseries in Exeter (01392 873672 or 01392 876281), say what colours you want, they'll give you a bargain price and then once you've ordered they'll do the planting for you. All you have to do is the occasional water and feed!

All equipment listed above is available from St Bridget Nurseries, Old Rydon Lane and Sidmouth Road, Clyst St Mary, Exeter.

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