It's March and the time of year when our gardens start to wake up. The sun has finally arrived so why not begin to enjoy the garden a bit more? One of the best features of a garden and definitely an allotment is growing things you can eat! The following are just some of the things you can do now to get rewards later!
1. PLANT - Plant potatoes, shallots, garlic and onion sets.
2. SOW - Many vegetable crops can be sown in March especially in mild areas like Devon. Just look at the back of the packets to see what you can plant but sweet peppers and tomatoes are an example plus herbs like parsley and chives.
3. PRUNE - If you have gooseberry or blueberry bushes remove a few older stems from the base.
4. POLLINATE - hand pollinate flowers of apricots and peaches using a fine brush! Don't forget to protect them from the frost either.
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