Monday, December 03, 2007

Sprouting seeds are newly germinated seeds and pulses; baby plants that are bursting with nutrition necessary to produce a fully grown plant. When eaten they are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Eating sprouts regularly has been researched to result in an enormous improvement in general health, boosting the immune system, revitalizing and strengthening the body, improving digestion, combating tiredness and stress. They are a great addition to salads.

The Thompson and Morgan Seed Sprouter makes growing easy. Simply buy a packet of sprouting seeds (there's over 20 varieties to choose from) and follow the instructions. Each variety has different requirements but generally all you have to do is soak the seeds in water, then transfer to the sprouter trays. Put water in the bottom of the sprouter and then leave in a hot place like an airing cupboard. Rinse the seeds daily and you should have edible sprouting seeds between 3 and 10 days. The sprouts can then be kept in a fridge for 3-5 days. For more information or to buy your sprouter and seeds visit St Bridget Nurseries' Garden Centres in Exeter ( or call 01392 873672

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