Friday, October 10, 2014

Half hardy bedding plants

Lots of customers have asked how to look after their half-hardy bedding plants over the winter.
Half-hardy bedding plants include fuchsias, surfinia petunias, geraniums, osteospermums and the other summer bedding plants we rely on. They’re not cold and frost hardy so they need to be kept frost-free during the autumn and winter.
The best place for them is a heated greenhouse or warm conservatory, but a cool spare bedroom or even a garage or shed will do  – providing it has a window and doesn’t get too cold.
You should start by cutting back excessive leafy growth, remove dead, dying and diseased leaves and any flowers, trim the roots and then pot them up into a pot just big enough for the roots using fresh compost. Don’t forget to check them over for pests too before you bring them indoors.

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