Friday, June 06, 2008

Plant Bedding!

The risk of a frost has largely gone now so it is safe to start planting out your bedding plants. St Bridget Nurseries grow their own bedding plants on their nursery in Exeter, Devon. The company grows hundreds of varieties from old favourites like fuchsias and geraniums to stunning new verbena and Dahlia varieties. Buying your plants from a local supplier should mean that the plants have been hardened off to conditions correctly. St Bridget Nurseries grow their bedding plants in huge greenhouses and then once they are large enough they get moved to a polytunnel outside and then out to their garden centres.

Get your bedding plants off to a great start by planting them in a moisture control compost. This will help you as you will have to water them less frequently. Don't forget to give them a feed while you water though and also protect plants from slugs and snails while they are settling in.

Finally, if you thought bedding was just to do with sheets you may want to take 'The bedding Plant Expert' by Dr D.G. Hessayon to bed with you! It's a great book that will make sure you become an expert, only £6.99 from St Bridget Nurseries Garden Centres.

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