Friday, June 27, 2008

St Bridget Nurseries gets into the Neighbourhood...
On Monday, one of the senior managers at St Bridget Nurseries got out of the office and went to nearby Exeter neighbourhood of Clyst Heath thanks to the Digby Residents' Association.
First stop was Clyst Heath Nursery and Community Primary School where the children have grown Snap Dragons from seed. Each class was judged to see who grew the 'biggest and brightest' Snapdragon as part of the summer gardening competition. There were some fantastic entries and judging a winner was really difficult. some of the classes had even considered their presentation using coloured sand to decorate the top of the soil and tissue paper around the pots. Every child taking part will receive a certificate and the winners are going to be presented with a prize and framed certificate tonight.
After leaving the school, St Bridget Nurseries went for a walk around the houses to see the entries in the 'Best Front Garden' and 'Best planted container' classes. Again judging was really difficult as everyone had clearly put in so much effort. The judges were looking for eye catching designs, that used the space available including the vertical (which is quite often forgotten in gardens) along with good plant health.
The winners will be announced at the Clyst Heath Nursery and Community Primary School fete tonight starting from 5pm. The Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Smith, will be attending the school fete from 6.00 pm to present certificates and prizes which include vouchers for St Bridget Nurseries.

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